Find a Class

How to find a class:

  1. To find a specific class, click on the Search Options tab.
  2. Under the Program Workshops heading, check the box of the class or classes you are interested in attending. Pins will pop up on the map to the right. Pins reference locations of the program(s) you are interested in attending. Use the zoom feature (+ or – at the lower right corner of the map) to see all the classes within a community.
  3. Click on each pin to learn more about the class. A box left of the map (under the Class Details tab) will include the dates, time, location, whom to contact to register and a brief description of the workshop.
  4. For more information about these programs, visit Programs. Highlight and click the program you are interested in to learn more.
Map Legend
  • Preventing Diabetes
  • Preventing Falls
  • Self-Management for Chronic Conditions
  • Self-Management for Mental Health
  • Self-Management through Healthier Eating
  • Provider Referral Programs
  • Sites with more than one type of class scheduled

In-person classes are very limited. Take a Distance Learning workshop from anywhere in New Mexico. Click here for details >

To register, call 1-833-SWNURSE (1-833-796-8773).